SCHÜTZ+LICHT Prüftechnik GmbH – since its foundation in 1970

Our path as a serious and competent contact for material testing machines

  • 2024 together with GWQ / GALDABINI / SCHÜTZ+LICHT we improve the testing software LabTest again and thus meet the current requirements of the French nuclear regulator FRAMATOM
  • 2023 Patent application for the new, fully automatic sample grinding machine for sheet metal tensile specimens
  • 2021 We will be partner companies in the research project AdaProQ
  • 2021 the FRAUNHOFER IWU Chemnitz brings us on board to develop the Material Tester Deep-drawing Sheets
  • 2019 Move to new hall: 250m² demo room, offices, large workshop, warehouse: Find us here: Google Maps
  • 2013 Development of new punches for tensile specimens: Now samples from sheet metal up to 12 mm thick can be punched and ground (delivery of 7.500 kN and 5.000 kN punches to Saudi Arabia)
  • 2013 Expansion of the product portfolio to include ZEISS metal microscopes
  • 2013 Accreditation according to ISO17025 as an agency of the Thank you is extended for the calibration of material testing machines according to the requirements of ASTM
  • 2012 It is now known on the market that GALDABINI testing machines are at the forefront of technology and offer an excellent price-quality ratio. Thanks to the enormous popularity, we have managed to become number 8 on the German market (number of machines sold) after only 2 years.
  • 2011 Expansion of the product portfolio to include new, high-quality microscopes (our brand ATTENTION): metal microscopes up to 1000x magnification, macro microscopes, stereo microscopes
  • 2011 Further development of the automatic camera measurement system: Overview camera for automatic mouse click positioning 
  • 2010 Business expansion for the distribution of GALDABINI deep-drawing presses
  • 2008 Development of a fully automatic hardness testing system: (Level 4) Automation of hardness tests for hardness gradients CMS-drive including automatic positioning, focusing, image processing
  • 2009 Business expansion for the distribution of GALDABINI straightening machines
  • 2009 Strengthening of the METKON sales organization for Metallography by other partners
  • 2008 Recertification of the calibration laboratory according to DIN EN ISO 17025 by the PTB
  • 2008 Development of a notch milling machine for Charpy samples (Plastic) for BAYER Uerdingen and other BAYER branches
  • 2008 GNR authorizes the company as exclusive sales and service partner for spectral analysis equipment in Germany
  • 2008 Development of a robot handling system for the automation of tensile sample taking from sheet metal
  • 2008 Development of a semi-automatic hardness testing system: Automation hardness tester for hardness curves: CMS-Drive
  • 2007 We become exclusive METKON agent for Germany: Metallography preparation machines
  • 2006 Expansion of the product portfolio for new hardness testing machines Manufacturer: INNOVATEST (Vickers + Brinell + Rockwell)
  • 2005 Renaming of the company to SCHÜTZ+LICHT Prüftechnik GmbH
  • 2004 GALDABINI authorizes us as exclusive sales + service company for universal testing machines + Pendulum impact testers in D / A / CH
  • 2002 Recertification of the calibration laboratory according to DIN EN ISO 17025 by the PTB
  • 2001 Development of the electronics “UnitesT”: control + measurement data acquisition of hydraulic/mechanical universal testing machines
  • 1999 Completion of the DKD – Services for material testing machines: Measurement quantity “mechanical work” (pendulum impact testers)
  • 1997 We become an authorized service company for EMCO-Test hardness testers in Germany (in association with HAHN & KOLB)
  • 1997 SCHÜTZ Prüftechnik GmbH merges with a partner, which later becomes SCHÜTZ+LICHT Prüftechnik GmbH.
  • 1996 Accreditation as DKD – calibration laboratory according to ISO 17025 by the PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt)
  • 1995 Development of a modernization for pendulum impact testers using rotary encoders, counter electronics and PC software
  • 1994 Development / invention of the first, non-manufacturer-specific modernization of ground glass hardness testers: digital scale SHP150. This principle was subsequently copied by all competitors
  • 1991 Schütz Junior joins the company – expansion of the business area to include used testing machines
  • 1988 Sales launch of our own system: Modernization of universal testing machines
  • 1970 Foundation of SCHÜTZ Prüftechnik KG by Mr. Klaus Schütz (✝ 2005)
    • Development / Sales of sample preparation machines (1970 Patent Sample Grinding Machine PSM2000)
    • Sale of material testing machines (new and used)

Employee qualification | Competence in testing technology

Participation in DAkkS conferences, external training and courses

In 1996, we were accredited by the PTB Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig as the first brand-independent company for the calibration of materials testing machines. In the following years, the calibration laboratory's measurement parameters were constantly expanded, so that we have been able to offer all calibrations for materials testing machines since 1998.

As an office of the Thank you We are committed to providing our employees with ongoing training and to imparting the necessary skills. In accordance with the guidelines of our QM system, our employees are trained through internal and external training courses.

In the awareness that our calibration service is ultimately also part of your quality, we live this responsibility in the principle

… committed to quality